Panel curtains - more than just curtains

The new beauty standard for windows

Tall, slim, free of folds and self-conscious panel curtains perfectly suit the trends of our time. And since it does not lack flexibility either it is the ideal rejuvenation cure for every window and every room.
Due to its clear line, unlimited combination possibilities and the even surface on which every kind of design is perfectly highlighted it is suitable for a creative and fashionable light and color design more than any other window decoration. No matter if you prefer plain, timeless elegance, intensive or soft colors, subtle or striking patterns for interior design, aim to fill your home atmosphere with nature, romantic flair or geometric austerity – a panel curtain will always appear lightweight and airy. By shifting and overlapping single panels always new and surprising color and pattern creations occur which provide even more variety due to the changing intensity of daylight. New in our Sortiment are blackout window shades.

Extensive sun protection program

Large windows and glass surface allow plenty of heat and sun enter the room. Often even too much, which makes a variable and functional controlling of sunlight necessary. By selecting appropriate fabric functions, colors and transparence one can cover multiple protection demands with one panel curtain: from transparent light filter in the living area over dazzling protection for the office or relaxing in front of the monitor, for an opaque protection in the evening or even to a reflecting, heat insulating or darkening curtain.
If in the living room, conservatory or work place – a panel curtain can be adapted to various protection needs by combining differently equipped panels. You can also protect parquet floors very well with clear film.

Simply shifting architectonic structures

If the own four walls are no longer enough one can easily create two new walls using a panel curtain. Light-weight textile walls which can be easily shifted between living and working zone, dining and cooking area, sleeping and playing rooms and thus create new and interesting room structures, some more coziness and comfort or simply spare tidying up. You do not cage in or lock out but preserve a certain permeability. You can create more discretion in public buildings and open offices with Window Blinds, some more privacy protection and convenience in restaurants or an effective eye-catcher as separation between window and the inside of the shop.
With panel curtains used as room partition or sliding doors in front of closets new storage spaces or free spaces can be gained and the overall picture of the room can be changed in a simple or effective way.


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